They never told us that you don't find love, that love finds you!
They never told us that life is filled with ups and downs, that our
decisions makes us who we are
They never thought us to adapt to situations
They never told us that there would be a time in ones life when living
would no longer be fun, they always told us that suicide is bad, they
never told us the benefits of suicide, of how it puts all our pains
and agony to an end! They never told us that life is cruel and that
death is sweet, they never told us that when we die, that we become
free men, owing no debt neither are we owed, they never told us that
death is FREEDOM!
They never told us that love is like a cage, that when you love from
the heart, then you start dying, no they never told us that there
would be heartbreaks, they never told us that true love is hard to
find, they never told us that people change, and that our loved ones
would one day become our foes, they never told us that communication
is very important in a relationship, they never told us that you never
stop loving rather you reduce it to the lowest minimum, they always
told us to get over heart breaks and betrayals but they never showed
us how to do it. They never told us that one day we would love the
wrong ones, they never taught us how to stop loving them no they